Caring for Your Gemstones

You will get more value from your semi precious gemstones when you maintain it as required. If you are clueless on how to maintain it the proper way, then you have come to the right place. Here is how to care for your semi precious stones.

You need to clean your gemstone once a month. Cleaning it monthly will prevent dirt from building up. You will have to take your pink topaz to a professional cleaning if the dirt build up becomes too much.

The other thing you have to do is make sure your rainbow moonstone is far from any lotions and oils. If you are wearing the ruby gemstone on your finger, you should avoid using essential oils. The gemstone is sensitive to such oils and it can get damaged easily. 


When cleaning you synthetic opal, you need to avoid harsh cleaners. Cleaners such as chlorine, ammonia and bleach will harm your gemstone. Do not use chemical cleaners to remove harsh stains because it can cause a lot of damage to your precious jewelry.

It is also vital that you store your jewelry safely. When storing the gemstone, make sure you do so in an airtight container when you are not wearing it. Putting them in any place can damage the stones. Always store the white sapphire in the same way to bought it.

When you have a gemstone collection, you have to make sure that you organize it well. Proper organization of the gemstone will help you find your precious stones faster. It is advisable that you first clean your gemstones before you store them. Make sure that you have invested in a storage case to place your valuable accessories.

Once you have cleaned them properly, you need to sort out the gems. Separate them into species.  You can also decide to subdivide them by color, size or origin. You have to keep the harder stones from the softer stones. Label the jars with the opals for sale with their name. The labels need to be positioned in a way that you can identify easily.


You can use storage bins to keep your treasures. The good thing about the storage bins is that they have compartments with removable dividers. Storing your gems properly will make them also last longer and remain shiny. The loose gemstones are fragile and soft in nature. Thus, they can be easily scratched. You can preserve their quality and color by keeping them in storage cases. There are also jewelry jars which are efficient for loose gemstone. The jewelry jars will protect the precious stones from getting any scratches.

There are numerous ways that you can use to safely store your high quality cubic zirconia. The gemstones are expensive and once you buy them you should handle them with care to avoid loosing their shine quickly. Proper storage of the gemstones will give you service for many years and you get value for your money. You can choose any storage item depending on the type of gemstone you have and your space you have.


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